Saturday, May 23, 2015

Hello Summer

Hard earned vacation I believe yes.

After a semester of #TEAM5HOURSORLESS AND #TEAM4.0, I'm just really tired of school and the stress that comes with it. Don't get me wrong, I really enjoy having to overcome challenges, getting papers completed even if its an hour before the deadline. I actually get stuff done.

The absence of school has kinda sorta left a void in my life, which I intend on filling accordingly.

I'm ready to take on this summer, new challenges, meet new people. So far, my plans hover around completing extensive research for my thesis, beaching and hiking trips and travel.


Project: Summer Time

I've tried to have a successful blog for months..years..forever..

I know blogging is mostly discipline and creating content. The only thing I seem to have time for is school and achieving my degree.
My shyness has really held me back from letting the world know.

So, I've embarked on Project Summer Time.

I think we need to constantly challenge ourselves and try things that force us out of our comfort zone. I'm clearly tired of residing there.

So, I ask to you come on this journey with me, as I give you the 4/11 scoop on my life from now til August 31st.

We can do it, yes we can!