Saturday, August 23, 2014

Natural Hair Chit-Chat #2

The next topic under my microscope is: shrinkage.
(her comics are hilarious!! Check out her instagram: @yagazieemezi)

ALL women with a hair type other than straight, experience some sort of shrinkage. Women with afro-textured hair however can have up to 95% shrinkage. That is their hair appears to be only a fraction of what it's current length is. (Hair appears to be 5 inches long when it is actually 10 inches long)

I personally experience about 60% shrinkage and man, it is a struggle sometimes. The longer my hair got, the more annoying shrinkage became. Not because it concealed my length, but, my hair tangled and matted like never before. Wearing my hair is stretched out styles has been a lifesaver, a trick I learnt from HairCrush and Naptural85.

But, does wearing my hair in a stretched out style mean that I do not embrace my shrinkage?

As I stated, when my hair shrinks up, it becomes especially difficult to handle. Stretched out styles make it easier. I totally love my hair in a shrunken state. But the maintenance is simply too much.

If you or anyone you know struggles with shrinkage, please call 1-800-STRETCH IT OUT for an immediate relief from shrinkage.

Seriously though, stretching your hair out does not always mean texture hatred.

3 College MUST Haves

The day is quickly approaching. That day when we return to college or school or wherever you go to learn. The college experience is definitely and interesting one, and allows you to develop and grow as a person. If it is your first year in college, don't be shy. Widen out and meet people, join groups, be an active member. And of course do not forget to study!

I've compiled a list of items you will definitely need to be that cool college kid.
(Or any ordinary kid on campus lol)

Cool Sunglasses
You will need them on those extra bright days and sunglasses give you that extra cool look, no matter what you're wearing. They are also functional on those days when you wake up with only 5 minutes to spare before class and you just cannot get rid of these bags under your eyes because you have been studying all night to complete that project that you did not finish.
(your life will feel just like that sentence-never ending)

This goes without saying. There will be days when you need to ignore the world and get lost in a musical fanstasy land. Or you may need them in the library to drown out the sounds of the people who just won't shut up. Anyway you look at it, headphones are a crucial part of a healthy college diet. 
(along with some super cool music)

Comfy Bag
The size and make of your bag totally depends on you. I currently love the sloucy backpack look, but messenger bags, tote bags or even more fashionable bags are fine. Just make sure it can take all your books, laptop, tablet and other necessities and still be comfortable for you. 

The things I left out like, a cell phone/MP3 player, clothes, shoes that kind of thing, I'm pretty sure you know you need those. This is just a simple list of the things I need!

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Home Sick

The usual meaning of the word connotes that one is missing their home, probably because they have recently immigrated. I see the word in a totally different light that being, sick of home.

Vacation time has always been a time for me to relax and sleeeeeep (I love sleep guys). I've slept and relaxed so much at home that I am tired of sleeping and relaxing at home and desperately want someone to take me out! :(

Anywhere would  be nice. Anywhere but home, for at least a day.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Natural Hair Shadowing

The colours we choose speaks volumes about our inner personalities. Maybe some things we do because we mindlessly follow trends. But somethings we do because we know it will bring the type of joy and satisfation that we crave. 

With blue fingertips and hair everywhere, I slumped in front of the mirror to observe the masterpiece or disaster, whichever way you take it, I had created in my tresses. Ofcourse we all want that beautiful, vibrant colour in our hair, but the damage is scary. I avoid it like the plague. However, upon viewing Chime's video(YT:HairCrush) I was sold! I immediately wanted to have that vibrant blue in my fro. 

But as the story goes, I did not get the correct colour(for some reason my brain envisioned that the gold eyeshadow cream would look cooler, it did not). But my hands and hair was covered in this gold stuff, what was I going to do??

Luckily, I had an old eyeshadow palette lying around and I used a blue and purple shadow from it to create something I considered acceptable. Which it totally was! I totally felt like Blu from BGC12! 

I followed Chime's example and Tash Naturally's method, which was pretty simple. I threw my hair up in a high pouf thingee.

(if you look closely you see the gold)

Products Used:
Maybelinne Colour Tattoo in Bold Gold
(I recommend using the blue one)
Blue and Purple eyeshadows
Links! -HairCrush -Tash Naturally

Natural Hair Chit-Chat #1

If you do not know, I have 'natural hair'. By that I mean, my hair is considered by soceity to be afro-textured. I consider my hair to be extremely curly, like mini-springs, kind of like a ball of mini-springs. If I reference to the hair categories that have been created, my hair ranges between 3C and 4B. That's my hair, And I love it.
The 'going natural' movement was everywhere. I'm not sure who started it, but, it began taking over the internet and the world. Women who had used texture altering chemicals such as relaxers were begnning to embrace the coils within. A move that was obviously not easy, but, their pride in their hair was greater than their fears.
I happened to be one of the people caught into the 'natural hair movement' and everyone was certain that I was crazy, until I cut my relaxed ends off and fully embraced whatever was underneath.

But I realized something unsual within our community. Slowly, divisions were building up and women were becoming increasingly accepting of a looser curl pattern and almost rejecting a tighter curl. Even if we had moved pass one obstacle,  we were being held back by another.

I think all hair is  beautiful. Straight, wavy, curly, super curly whatever. The condition of your hair depends largely on your health and how much care you give to your hair, no matter the texture.

Love your hair for the way it is. Obviously there will be days you wished your hair was longer, shorter, more manageable, looser or tighter. But that wish should only be temporary. The permanent love should be for your hair.

This is just the beginning of the hair issues. This mini series can hopefully help people and shed light on the issues facing us 'naturals'.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Beach Bum

When I sit back and think of the places I would like to live or spend the rest of my life I always visualize a beach. I am fortunate enough to live on a tropical island and of course Hollywood is not wrong for portraying all islands as beaches, palm trees and coconuts. I live about 15 minutes driving at 40 km/ph from the nearest beach. That's considered far in my mind, but then again, small island people mentality.
Regardless, I love the feeling of sand between my toes, using sand as an exfoliate, tan lines, salty water. It's simply beautiful. I love the sweet calm beaches of the Caribbean Sea, but then love the voracity of the Atlantic Ocean beaches. The dangerous and unpredictable nature of the waves simply make me happy. But I can't bathe in them unless I'm searching for certain death with my inability to swim. Another myth busted! When I'm stressed a quiet visit to the beach always makes me happy. Grab a blanket, some sunnies, sunscreen, a few light snacks and drinks and vroom vroom! Beach time! 
Here are some pictures of some Caribbean Beaches I've visited ranging from St. Lucia to Barbados. 

Tuesday, June 17, 2014


Of course in life you're not 100% all the time. For the last week, I was down with Chikungunya Fever. A big name for a viral disease spread by a little mosquito. Currently there is an outbreak across the Caribbean. It's a horrible virus (although people say dengue is worse). Symptoms are primarily; fatigue, joint pain, headaches, fever and a rash. There are other symptoms which vary with persons, but it was mainly those for me. It has no magic pill to take to make you better so focus is placed on treating the symptoms.

The fever does have to run it's natural course so the pain will be there for a couple days. For the pain, I took Paracetamol (500mg) and kept hydrated with water and juices. Very important to keep hydrated guys! And lots of rest! Don't overwork yourself, it may make the situation worse. For the rash, I took some liquid Histal syrup, which is like an allergy type of thing (can you sense my medical knowledge?). It was itchy like crazy, but! thank God I hand some Hydro-cortisone Cream (1%) lying around to save the day.

Keep mosquitoes away from you by using repellents and insecticides and looking around for any stagnant water. Getting rid of the mosquito means getting rid of the virus!

Stay mosquito and virus free!


Friday, May 30, 2014

Dream Board 101

It's not even surprising that my last post was on making resolutions at the beginning of the year and forgetting them by June. I always wondered why it was so dificult to achieve our goals. We start off very well and then, it all goes down the drain. Dream boards are great for creating a visual effect and giving us a proper mental picture and reminder. But, people are diferent. For one person, the idea of achieving the ultimate goal will be enough motivation to do whatever they need to do to achieve. For others, they need to set out a plan or a step-by-step plan so as to achieve their ultimate goal. Depending on your motivation, your dream board should consist of either, your ultimate goals or short term goals. I can be wrong, but deep inside everyone wants to be happy. Therefore your goals, dreams and aspirations should be what make YOU truly happy. With all that said, here are the easiest steps ever to creating your long-term or short term dream board.

1. Think

Think about what you really want, this may take a while. But make sure it's what you want and not what anyone else wants. Your board can be centered around a theme especially if it is centered around the accomplishment of your ultimate goal.

2. Find
Find pictures or saying that correspond with your current goals. Motivational statemetns are also helpful. 
*To make this more creative, find pictures online or in magazines and books and cut it out and attach to a magnetic board or card board.*

3. Create

This is the fun part, especially if your are doing a physical and not digital board. Arrange the pictures and saying in a way that is attractive to you. You can add whatever else to enhance your board! Here are some examples I found online. For more inspiration,simply search! 

That's all there is too it! Think, Find and Create!

Let your creativity and imagination guide you through the creation of your dream board!
