Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Bad Day?

Having a really unnecessarily bad day?

Take my advice. Look for beauty in the tiniest things. 
This is my kitten, Coco. She's the most adorable thing.
(Yes, there is just something about cats and the internet, I can't put my finger on it, but I love it.)
And when I'm feeling sour nowadays, I always go look for her, she can cheer me up.

I've lived by the mantra for a while now.

Appreciate the little things in life.

xoxo Yanice

Monday, August 20, 2012


Imagine please an angel.....just an angel?....Yes.

What is its gender and skin colour? What colour are its clothes?

I know, most of us probably went down that road..He is white and his clothes are white also.

But that's not bad, because it's been normal for us.

However, I want you to DEFINE normal. Define for yourself what is right. (Yes this can extend to the fundamental laws our societies depend on, but try to stay away from the serious things, like legalizing murder O_o).

Sometimes we need a little push, some motivation, someone like us to show us that what we believe is right.
So go through your mind's files, and if you still want that angel to be a Caucasian male with white wings and a  white gown that's fine. Mine surely is. But, you should not be confided to just accepting what is normal without some explanation.

Defy the laws!

xoxo Yanice 

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Clothing Issues?

Being as interested as I am in the world of fashion and CLOTHES *swoons*, the issue of actually getting my hands on some really nice pieces are beginning to bother me.

Here is my predicament.

I live on an island in the Caribbean, and on the world scene we are considered to be a developing economy. While I do not mind the islandness, I cannot stand the trends in fashion. While living in a more developed economy it would be easier for someone to find the pieces they love, its like a nightmare here!

Pieces that I would like to have, I have not acquired since its either unavailable or waaay too expensive.

Soo? Why don't I order online?

Ordering online is a whole different kettle of fish. Customs usually charge exuberant duties for clothing items and shoes.

My resolve?

MAKE IT WORK! Right now I can't wear exactly what I want but I shall make it work!

That is what fashion is about.

xoxo Yanice

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Seeking employment?

I sometimes think that with the global downturn in the world's economy, I will never get a job!
But, I'm hopeful.

Another issue that has been troubling me is that of my hair. The first time I sent out an application, the first thing someone told me was, "What will you do with your hair?" I was like, "Are you insinuating that there is something wrong with it?" And obviously not expecting that response, the person replied, "I don't know, doesn't look too professional..." 

It's this type of stereotypes that need to be broken. Unfortunately, my hair is still in a TWA stage a.k.a. too short to create updo styles or what the world considers more 'professional'. Ofcourse we want our employers to love us for who we really are, but what if the employers share the same point of view as the outside world. Wearing natural hair or kinkier textured hair out has the negative stereotype of being unkempt and radical. But that's not really who we are on the outside.

My advice?

Try your best to make your hair look extra professional on the initial call. You can probably by wearing it like an afro, twist-out or if you are on the curlier side, a defined wash n go. Ensure that frizz is at minimum by using frizz serums, or not touching your hair while it is wet and only handling it with oiled hands. Frizz is what usually gives the impression of unkempt hair.

Even if we are happy to be natural and love our hair, we also do well not to wear outlandish accessories or complicated styles. Simple and cute. If you can't contend with this, you can simply get extensions such as box braids, Senegalese twists and so on.

I know sometimes we just want to express our personalities, but most of us know that in the corporate world, there's almost no place for that. Sometimes we have to sacrifice somethings to get others. The point is that you are a natural haired woman and they will remember you for that.

xoxo Yanice

Friday, August 10, 2012

Perks of being an Island Girl #1

I decided to do a mini series as to why the Caribbean or any tropical country is a great place to live. The first major perk is......


Yes, I'm surrounded by pristine waters and golden and charcoal sand beaches. I love the beach. It's like the best place to relax. And since there are soo much beaches in St. Lucia, you can choose and you can go there whenever you like (I live about 20 minutes from the beach). Sometimes you can even be creative to find secluded beaches.

I absolutely LOVE the beach. I know you would to!

I'm no photographer, but the sun was setting and everything was so calm and serene.

xoxo Yanice

Thursday, August 9, 2012


So, I thought it would be useful if before I started talking 'haircare' that people get to know my hair. And btw, I'm natural #TEAMNATURAL !

My hair length?

TWA! 1 year in December, transitioned for 4 months.

My hair type is?

Not important xD, but for the sake of this, I would say it runs from 3C-4C (I'm multitextured and it is not even funny) But I am mostly in the 4s.

My Routine?

Something like CG? I don't use silicones so I won't have to use shampoos. No combs, unless I'm putting in twists/fingercoils. Toothbrush for my edges. Deep conditioning treatments when I feel like I need it. (I'm inconsistent)

My Products?

VO5 Condish, Tresemme Naturals, Coconut and Olive Oil , Shea Butter, *searching for a leave in* ,Eco-Styler Green and Water!

My Hair Goals?

Ultimate goal is: Waist length (if its possible) by 2015.
Current Goal: Achieving the purrrrfect wash n go! 

So, that's it! 

xoxo Yanice

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So, with my employment status as; UNEMPLOYED, I have been trying to find things to do with my life. One thing interesting thing I found was baking! It's fun and it can get your creative side out. For now I've been experimenting with box cake mixes and canned frosting. I mean, I didn't just want to jump into the world of baking. However, so far my creations have come out pretty good. A little tweaking here and there and voila! Le best cupcakes ever!(Or so I think)

One difficulty I had was trying to pipe on the very soft canned frosting. Of course having no prior knowledge, I really did not know what to expect. But with the help of the Almighty Google(yes I said it), I stiffened it up with some powdered sugar.

How did my little babies look?


I used a Duncan Hines Devil's Food box cake mix, 1 can of vanilla frosting, with about 1/4 cup of icing sugar.

(I piped it with a ziploc bag! #winning)

xoxo Yanice

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Let the games begin!

We've all struggled with something before and what I struggle with is my shyness, this is intended to help me grow as a person and to inspire people who live around me and farr away! Much to come and much love!

To all my too be followers. ME GUSTA!
xoxo Yanice