Thursday, June 19, 2014

Beach Bum

When I sit back and think of the places I would like to live or spend the rest of my life I always visualize a beach. I am fortunate enough to live on a tropical island and of course Hollywood is not wrong for portraying all islands as beaches, palm trees and coconuts. I live about 15 minutes driving at 40 km/ph from the nearest beach. That's considered far in my mind, but then again, small island people mentality.
Regardless, I love the feeling of sand between my toes, using sand as an exfoliate, tan lines, salty water. It's simply beautiful. I love the sweet calm beaches of the Caribbean Sea, but then love the voracity of the Atlantic Ocean beaches. The dangerous and unpredictable nature of the waves simply make me happy. But I can't bathe in them unless I'm searching for certain death with my inability to swim. Another myth busted! When I'm stressed a quiet visit to the beach always makes me happy. Grab a blanket, some sunnies, sunscreen, a few light snacks and drinks and vroom vroom! Beach time! 
Here are some pictures of some Caribbean Beaches I've visited ranging from St. Lucia to Barbados. 

Tuesday, June 17, 2014


Of course in life you're not 100% all the time. For the last week, I was down with Chikungunya Fever. A big name for a viral disease spread by a little mosquito. Currently there is an outbreak across the Caribbean. It's a horrible virus (although people say dengue is worse). Symptoms are primarily; fatigue, joint pain, headaches, fever and a rash. There are other symptoms which vary with persons, but it was mainly those for me. It has no magic pill to take to make you better so focus is placed on treating the symptoms.

The fever does have to run it's natural course so the pain will be there for a couple days. For the pain, I took Paracetamol (500mg) and kept hydrated with water and juices. Very important to keep hydrated guys! And lots of rest! Don't overwork yourself, it may make the situation worse. For the rash, I took some liquid Histal syrup, which is like an allergy type of thing (can you sense my medical knowledge?). It was itchy like crazy, but! thank God I hand some Hydro-cortisone Cream (1%) lying around to save the day.

Keep mosquitoes away from you by using repellents and insecticides and looking around for any stagnant water. Getting rid of the mosquito means getting rid of the virus!

Stay mosquito and virus free!
