It's not even surprising that my last post was on making resolutions at the beginning of the year and forgetting them by June. I always wondered why it was so dificult to achieve our goals. We start off very well and then, it all goes down the drain. Dream boards are great for creating a visual effect and giving us a proper mental picture and reminder. But, people are diferent. For one person, the idea of achieving the ultimate goal will be enough motivation to do whatever they need to do to achieve. For others, they need to set out a plan or a step-by-step plan so as to achieve their ultimate goal. Depending on your motivation, your dream board should consist of either, your ultimate goals or short term goals. I can be wrong, but deep inside everyone wants to be happy. Therefore your goals, dreams and aspirations should be what make YOU truly happy. With all that said, here are the easiest steps ever to creating your long-term or short term dream board.
1. Think
Think about what you really want, this may take a while. But make sure it's what you want and not what anyone else wants. Your board can be centered around a theme especially if it is centered around the accomplishment of your ultimate goal.
2. Find
*To make this more creative, find pictures online or in magazines and books and cut it out and attach to a magnetic board or card board.*
3. Create
This is the fun part, especially if your are doing a physical and not digital board. Arrange the pictures and saying in a way that is attractive to you. You can add whatever else to enhance your board! Here are some examples I found online. For more inspiration,simply search!
That's all there is too it! Think, Find and Create!
Let your creativity and imagination guide you through the creation of your dream board!