Tuesday, December 31, 2013

2014: Resolutions

I once cared about these New Year Resolutions and other shenanigans. They would ofcourse make sense to some people in January, and by June, they're forgetten. It's simply because people say they want to change and refuse to put in the necessary effort to. Change takes effort, continious examination to notice if there is progress and revaulation.

I have no resolutions. The 'new' year brings no change. Just a bunch of pretty explosives, champagne and couples making out.

Any other day?


Sunday, December 29, 2013

Crazy Spinning World

I would usually stare off into nowhere, trying to make sense of the madness going on around me. It’s always been a crazy world. Always been a place where everything is spinning out of control. Sometimes you want to spin to, to go with the usual flow. But sometimes you would prefer to take the red pill. To see life for what it really is and for once try to appreciate the finer things in life. It’s the main reason the sunset is makes us all go, “Wow”. And we’re awestruck everything we stop and think. We try to put everything into perspective then and try to find that inner peace. Then the sun goes down and we start spinning again. And forget the little piece of serenity we just found. Lose it to the same crazy antics of this crazy world.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

You Time

I've been ultra caught up in a web of uncertainty for too long. Letting the crazy antics of this world spin me out of control. I'm jaded really, but only recently got the will to admit how far from home I'd drifted. They say, don't sail against the winds but adjust your sails. And I'd believed to the very bottom of my heart that was exactly what I was doing.

But, I presume that I've not done so. I just allowed myself to  be constantly battered by the rough tides. With my sails unfortunately facing the opposite direction. Bummer huh?

Then some me time. I went back to what I knew, what made me happy.

Creativity. In all forms. Art.

It's the only thing which gets my blood pumping. Music, style, flavour. Quite different from the monotonous world that I've been forced to adopt. A world I'm still trying to adapt to. A change I'm not sure if it's possible to transition to. I've given my all, looked at it from a multitude of perspectives. All I see and feel when I think of it is sadness. A type of dejection that I previously never even experienced.

So, I asked the question. Is it better to be...happy or responsible. What do you put first, survival or happiness? Does it make sense to survive and be unhappy?

Reasonable questions. Be reasonable with yourself

Reach for the stars, even if you fall, gonna land on a cloud.---Optimism is the key to success.
